Jayant sasane wiki
Neil warnock biography 2013 oscarSr No Description self spouse dependent1 dependent2 dependent3 i Cash 54,500 54 Thou+
23,000 23 Thou+
14,000 14 Thou+
Nil Nil Rs 91,500
91 Thou+ ii Deposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies State Hoard Shreerampur Saving A/C
28,791 28 Thou+
State Vault assets, Mumbai Saving A/C
613.28 6 Hund+
Bank custom Maharashtra Shreerampur
4,60,812.28 4 Lacs+
Pravara Bank Shreerampur
2,605.50 2 Thou+
Pravara Bank, Babhaleshwar
2,481.89 2 Thou+
Bank be more or less Maharashtra Shreerampur
14,128 14 Thou+
Pravara Bank Shreerampur
4,842 4 Thou+
Pravara Bank, Babhaleshwar
3,72,817 3 Lacs+
Bank show Maharashtra Shreerampur
5,254 5 Thou+
Nil Nil Rs 8,92,344.95
8 Lacs+ iii Bonds, Debentures and Shares in companies Shares in Urban Bank
1,000 1 Thou+
Shares personal Pravara Mill
5,000 5 Thou+
Deposit in Pravara Mill
15,090 15 Thou+
Shares in Mamadapur Chari No-4
14,810 14 Thou+
Shares in Sant Savanta Mali Sah.Soc
8,050 8 Thou+
Shares in Ashok Bank
2,500 2 Thou+
Shares in Pravara Bank
300 3 Hund+
Shares in Namako Bank
1,000 1 Thou+
Ashokrao Chaudhari Vi.Ka.Soc. Deposit in Pravara Mill
11,620 11 Thou+
Shares in Mamadapur Chari No-4
20,000 20 Thou+
Shares in Ashok Bank
2,500 2 Thou+
Shares mediate Namako Bank
1,000 1 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 83,295
83 Thou+ iv (a)
NSS, Postal Savings etc Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
LIC or other care Policies L.I.C Policy No-993163701, Value-280665
4,00,000 4 Lacs+
Policy No-958533145
12,50,000 12 Lacs+
L.I.C Policy No-993163702, Value-273737
4,00,000 4 Lacs+
L.I.C Policy No-957056892
2,50,000 2 Lacs+
Policy No-993163658
1,00,197 1 Lacs+
Nil Nil Rs 24,00,197
24 Lacs+ v Personal loans/advance given Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
vi Motor Vehicles (details of make, etc.) Nil Nil Unicon-MH-17-AM-2212
30,000 30 Thou+
8,00,000 8 Lacs+
Nil Nil Rs 8,30,000
8 Lacs+ vii Jewellery (give trivialities weight value) 10 Gram
26,000 26 Thou+
200 Gram
5,50,000 5 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 5,76,000
5 Lacs+ viii Other assets, specified as values of claims Gramophone record interests Gun - 0.25 Bore No-11366364
60,000 60 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 60,000
60 Thou+ Gross Exact Value (as per Affidavit) 23,33,989 23 Lacs+ 13,99,908 13 Lacs+ 11,99,451 11 Lacs+ Nil Nil Rs 49,33,348
49 Lacs+ Totals (Calculated as Sum total of Values) Rs 23,33,978.95
23 Lacs+ Rs 13,99,907
13 Lacs+ Rs 11,99,451
11 Lacs+ Nil
Rs 49,33,336.95
49 Lacs+ The kennedy family biography robert francis
91 Thou+
28,791 28 Thou+
State Vault assets, Mumbai Saving A/C
613.28 6 Hund+
Bank custom Maharashtra Shreerampur
4,60,812.28 4 Lacs+
Pravara Bank Shreerampur
2,605.50 2 Thou+
Pravara Bank, Babhaleshwar
2,481.89 2 Thou+
14,128 14 Thou+
Pravara Bank Shreerampur
4,842 4 Thou+
Pravara Bank, Babhaleshwar
3,72,817 3 Lacs+
5,254 5 Thou+
8 Lacs+
1,000 1 Thou+
Shares personal Pravara Mill
5,000 5 Thou+
Deposit in Pravara Mill
15,090 15 Thou+
Shares in Mamadapur Chari No-4
14,810 14 Thou+
Shares in Sant Savanta Mali Sah.Soc
8,050 8 Thou+
Shares in Ashok Bank
2,500 2 Thou+
Shares in Pravara Bank
300 3 Hund+
Shares in Namako Bank
1,000 1 Thou+
Ashokrao Chaudhari Vi.Ka.Soc.
Bhokar Tal. Shreerampur
425 4 Hund+
11,620 11 Thou+
Shares in Mamadapur Chari No-4
20,000 20 Thou+
Shares in Ashok Bank
2,500 2 Thou+
Shares mediate Namako Bank
1,000 1 Thou+
83 Thou+
NSS, Postal Savings etc
LIC or other care Policies
4,00,000 4 Lacs+
Policy No-958533145
12,50,000 12 Lacs+
4,00,000 4 Lacs+
2,50,000 2 Lacs+
Policy No-993163658
1,00,197 1 Lacs+
24 Lacs+
30,000 30 Thou+
8,00,000 8 Lacs+
8 Lacs+
26,000 26 Thou+
5,50,000 5 Lacs+
5 Lacs+
60,000 60 Thou+
60 Thou+
49 Lacs+
23 Lacs+
13 Lacs+
11 Lacs+
49 Lacs+